

Winter already, it seems. We had a chilly Saturday – 36 degrees or so. Walter and I made a very speedy trip through the Farmer's Market, and even still, my coffee was cold by the time we got back to the car. Then we headed over to the fire station for a look at the trucks on display today. Walter liked the trucks, but wasn't so excited about the person dressed up as Sparky, the fire dog, or the person dressed as Smokey the Bear. Apparently adult size stuffed animals scare the crap out of him. Noted.

While Walter napped this afternoon, I had time to finish off his second hat:
Hat - Version 2
I'm much happier with this version. I actually paid attention to and followed the instructions, (found here, if you're interested) and it turned out great. This version fits more snugly so even with the little bit of stretching that I'm sure will happen, it's not going to be so big it covers his eyes, which is what happened with the first one. My favorite part of this hat, I think, is the cute spiral pattern on the top:
Hat top
Now, on to some mittens so we can keep Walter's hands warm in this cold weather.

Oh, and Molly decided to pose for some photos today, too. She didn't want to feel left out.
Breezy Molly

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