There are things Nate will help with in the kitchen, but canning is not one of them. So I picked a weekend when he was working and I recruited my mom to help me can tomatoes. The tomatoes in my garden failed miserably, so we went down to the farmer's market and bought our supply from the local farmers with real tomato-growing talent. Two boxes of romas, 25 pounds each, and a 25 pound box of round red something or others, for a grand total of 75 pounds of tomatoes. Yowza! About 25 pounds in we had one of those "what were we thinking?" moments, but we kept on. Scalding, peeling, seeding, chopping. And a measly 10 hours later, we were finished! Sounds crazy, I know. But a day spent hanging out with my mom in the kitchen was a pretty great day. And both of our pantries are now stocked with tomatoes and sauce. I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Even Walter had a pretty great day. He helped as much as he could and busied himself with puzzles and art projects the rest of the time. I don't think I heard a whine from him all day. And the kid doesn't even like tomatoes.

1 comment:
It was a great day...albeit long and tiring. The results were definitely worth it.
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