In other chicken news, we have some names that seem to be sticking. Walter's favorite is now "Love."

My favorite is "Marshmallow Fluff," but we call her "Fluffy." The Buff Orpingtons are both "Chirpy." I say both because we can't tell them apart.

The Rhode Island Reds are both "Charlie Shortino." Charlie Shortino is a local meteorologist at NBC 15 News. I don't know how Walter came up with that one, but it made me laugh, so I say we stick with it.

We still don't have names for the Australorps (the black ones). But we are open to suggestions.
Walter is so great with the birds. He loves to help with all the chicken chores. He handles them gently and talks to them sweetly. He used my phone this morning to take some shots of his own.

He got this one of Fluffy, with a very curious Molly keeping a close watch on her.

Sorry, Molly, no chicken for you. But we'll throw a little extra love your way.

1 comment:
I think you should notify Charlie Shortino about his namesake. It sounds like something he would really appreciate knowing. and I'm sure he will want to thank Walter for his choice.
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