In southern Iceland we made a stop at Skaftafell to see the glacier. I could tell you some facts about glaciers and geology, but isn't that what Google is for? In fact,
here is Skaftafell on Wikipedia, if you feel like doing some reading. Instead, here are my personal observations based on the bit of glacier we explored.
1. It's cold on a glacier. I mean, duh, it's ice. But, just a short walk away at our campsite on the national park grounds, we were perfectly comfortable in t-shirts.
2. It's slippery on a glacier. Again, duh, it's ice. But it doesn't LOOK slippery. Very deceiving, those glaciers. We had to be very careful hikers.
3. Glaciers are dirty. Which makes total sense since it's pushing it's way over the earth, moving tons of dirt along with it. BUT...
4. The ice is SO CLEAR! Nothing like those cloudy cubes that come out of your ice maker at home.
Hmmm... chances are, you could have found all that information with Google too. Oh well. On to the photos!