Sorry, he refused to stop drinking water while I took that photo.
Also in my scrap basket: a ton of scraps! Imagine that. Scraps and a clean workspace led to the start of a quilt. I've never made a quilt before. It won't be big and it won't be fancy, but it's already been so much fun. Walter helped me piece it all together with the rule that no two of the same squares could be next to each other. An excellent project for a four-year-old.
The sewing started today and is going pretty quickly. Another weekend or two and I just might have a quilt. As long as I don't abandon this the way I did the zebra. Keep me motivated! Hold me accountable!
I don't have before and after photos of the room, but I have a few bits and pieces to share.
I believe in good scrap management but it is hard to achieve. Good going. I need to share the book I bought that has boy projects with scraps! Inspiration is part of the motivation to get going. I finished my mystery quilt clue today and have 144 half square triangles left over for some project down the way.
I forgot to say that I share scraps!!!!
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