
For the bee nerds

If you have 11 minutes to spare, and you're at all interested in bees, watch this video. It's a short film from 1951 about the social life of bees. It's all still relevant – bees haven't changed in the past 60-some years. (Film quality has improved a bit!) At about 7:20 there's some info about how destructive ants can be to a hive. We found ants in the tops of our hives a couple of weeks ago, but managed to get rid of them by sprinkling cinnamon in and around the hives. Bees don't mind cinnamon and it won't affect the taste of the honey, but ants hate it. There's a little trivia for you. Don't say I never taught you anything! 

Thank you, to Brain Pickings, a blog I browse from time to time when I need a little inspiration. This video was posted there today.


John said...

This guy is like the early ancestor of the guy who narrates the honey badger video...

Kristin said...

He got it wrong though. The excited bee with the white paint was saying "Come on LADIES! "