It's January 12 and we've finally gotten our first measurable amount of snow for the winter. Walter was really, really excited... to shovel! He's been looking forward to shoveling for weeks. So he shoveled and shoveled and shoveled some more. Nate gave him a dollar for his efforts and he went right out and spent it on video games at the pizza place. It was his first paycheck. He should be allowed to spend it any way he wants.
I managed to finish my scarf just in time for the snow. The pattern is the Rick Rack Scarf, which was featured on the Purl Bee back in November. It's nice and cozy. And now I can move on to finishing another wip. Knitting is such a good activity for a snowy evening.
Much of my free time these days is being consumed by knitting. My works in progress (that's "wip" in knitting speak) are piling up. If only I could finish something! That skirt I started WAY back in October is almost done. It just needs a little lace edging and a waistband. This scarf, a tedious little pattern to work, has been tying up my evenings for almost two months now. But I only have about 10 more inches to go!
And the sweater that Walter asked me to knit, and even picked out the yarn himself? Well, that's still all balled up. But it's next on my list, I swear! I'm going to finish these wips, and I've given myself a little incentive. This morning I stopped at my local coffee shop, which also happens to be my local yarn shop (that's "lys" in knitting speak), and found this hank of deliciously wonderful, hand-dyed yarn. I scooped it up right away and then made a promise to myself not to touch it until all my other knitting projects are finished. Enough of this blogging nonsense. I have knitting to do!