- I'm back to running! The achilles tendinitis is gone, but I'm still trying to take things a little easy. One body part or another seems to need ice on a daily basis. But I'm getting my strength back. Marathon, here I come!
- It's squash season! Are these not the cutest little pie pumpkins you've ever seen? Also, if you're looking for an acorn squash recipe, I highly recommend this one.
- I've been doing some sewing. Just a tiny bit. New pillows for the bench seating in the kitchen.
- Walter has become the most inquisitive kid EVER. And his questions just keep getting harder. "Where does water go when it goes down the drain?" "How do you make walls?" "How does an owie heal?" I'm running out of answers. I think we need more trips to the library. Although, he came home with a new book today and decided it would work better as a hat.
- This cool fall weather has gotten me back into the knitting mood. Mama's getting a new skirt.
- Walter has been practicing his writing by making his Christmas wish list. He's getting pretty good. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "How do you spell train?"
So, that's a little of what's been keeping us busy. What's happening with you?
Not nearly as much as is happening with you! Can't wait to see your new skirt. Be sure to share Walter's Christmas list with us. Good luck with your aches and pains.
Similar to our squash recipe but we use a little red wine instead of maple syrup.
Grandpa M.
I cannot beleive this anti- marathon person that I am is rooting for you to do one!!?? I signed up to walk at the middle school so I have to see if I can get up early enough to do it. I fnally learned the stitch on my new yarn project and it is moving along too. Projects with the kids has been my favorite thing of this week. The pumpkin treat bags turned out great. It is a good thing that Nathan took a load of stuff to Good Will this week because my goal of at least 1 bag a week was not met this week. I did rearrange my sewing room so that I look out the window from my favorite machine now. Put Epicurious app on my phone and am making the pureed cualiflower for dinner. You will have to tell me what you think.
We made one last batch of tomato carrot soup, green tomato ketchup, applesauce, dried up the herbs from the garden, a skirt for me, a sweater for Kyla, and packing for the weekend!
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