That today is National Chocolate Cake Day?
I just found out a few hours ago myself. They should really make a bigger deal out of these sorts of things. Why is this not printed on calendars, for Pete's sake? Even though I was a little late to the game, I decided we should celebrate in full. There were no complaints from this crowd.
Happy National Chocolate Cake Day!
(If you need to celebrate a day or two late, I won't tell!)
It's Molly's 5th birthday! Here are 5 fun facts about our sweet girl:
1. Her full name: Molly Sparkle Billmeyer
2. She's afraid of doors.
3. She won't eat out of a metal bowl – her reflection scares her.
4. She likes to have her butt scratched. A lot.
5. If we count in dog years, she's about my age. No wonder she's such a good pal.
Happy birthday, Molly!
Check out my new 'do! It was time for a change and I had been envying everyone's cute, short cuts. So, during the coldest months of the year, I decided to leave my neck bare. That's what scarves are for, right?
Our boy was looking extra adorable today, so I tried to snap some photos. The whole time I had my camera in my hands he was saying, "Are you done now? Can we go play now? Are you done? Can we play?" So I put the camera down and we played. He wanted to have a picnic with his train, Rosie. It was fun. I can see why he wanted to get to it!
And later on I took photos of something that doesn't move, or complain. My mom gave me this calendar for Christmas. A new knitting stitch every day! I've been needing some new washcloths, which are the perfect little projects for trying out new stitches. My evenings are going to be full of knitting for a while. And probably picnics, too.
I'm a few days late with this, but I was hit with the flu on New Year's Eve so my weekend plans were pushed aside. But I'm all better now, so here it is! A look at the past year, in photos.
So much growing, making, building and exploring. It was a great year and I'm hoping 2011 will be even better. (Despite the rocky start.) Happy New Year!