For now, a quick recap of our second (or is it our third?) road trip of the summer. Nate, Walter and I spent 2 days in fabulous St. Louis. We visited the zoo – possibly the best zoo I've ever been to. It's big, it's beautiful, it's FREE! There are tons of animals, a train ride and a carousel. Walter loved it all, and so did we!
We also walked around the arch and visited Grant's Farm – both very nice and entertaining for all of us. For a road trip with a kid, St. Louis is a great city to visit.
Then we were off to Springfield, IL for 2 days, and we met up with the rest of the Billmeyers. We visited the new Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, which was very cool. I was a little concerned the kids would be bored, but there was plenty for them to do. There was a neat play area with dress-up clothes, old-time toys and a log cabin-style play kitchen. We could have spent all day in there! We also spent plenty of time in the hotel pool. Walter impressed us all by jumping into the pool all by himself (with Mama and Daddy there to catch him.) It's amazing the brave things he'll try when he sees his older cousins doing them. We ended our trip with a picnic and a short hike at Starved Rock State Park. And, finally, on the way home, Walter decided he was tired enough to nap in the car – the only sleep he got in the car the entire trip! (No wonder Mama's exhausted!)
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