Things have been a bit crazy this week. Work has been busy, home has been busy. Our phone line was accidentally severed, cutting off our phone and internet access, so blog posting has been on hold for a while. But we are back up and running now and I've got Halloween goodies to share.
We'll start with pumpkin carving. It took Walter a while to figure out what we were doing, but in the end, he happily dug his hands deep into the pumpkin goop. He even helped me separate the seeds for roasting. Yum!
Aside: Walter will not put a piece of broccoli in his mouth – he practically gags at the sight of it. But raw pumpkin guts went straight in, without a thought.
We had a little costume trouble with Walter this year. We were wandering the costume aisle of our local Target and we saw this:

Walter LOVED it. "Neigh! Neigh! Neigh!" All smiles and nods and "Yeah!" We brought the horse home and tried to put it on him. He FREAKED! I've never seen such terror. He would pet it and hug it, but try to put it on him and he would scream bloody murder. Yes, folks, our son is afraid of his Halloween costume. So, back to Target we went, horse in hand, to the returns counter. We settled on a less frightening, homemade pumpkin costume, handed down from Kyla, and before that, Uncle Eddie. He still wasn't thrilled about being dressed up. Don't let the smiles fool you. The only way we got the hat on his head was by taking him outside. (Hats are always required for going outside.) He was costumed for about ten minutes, just long enough for some photos. Then, off it came. Oh well, there's always next year.
Happy Halloween!
Were the legs long enough? I can't see them in the picture...
It fit, but just barely. And it wasn't on for long anyway. :)
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