You thought I was done with the vacation photos, didn't you? I've got just a few more to share today and that should wrap it up. We've got iceburgs and fishing birds. Stinky stinky mud pits, where we learned Walter's stomach can not handle the sulfur smell. A few waterfalls, including Dettifoss – huge and untamed. The eastern fjords; Walter on horseback; and a few shots from Reykjavik.
I shared most but not ALL of my photos here on the blog. If you haven't seen enough, click here for the full Iceland album.
It's time for our annual walk through the maple trees across the street. They are just as beautiful as ever this year. Our little autumn treat before the cold, cold days start. Walter picked a few leaves that would be just right for his ever-growing nature collection. I like his little, decorative display by our front door.
Previous fall tree photos are here and here.
Last Sunday was the Henry Vilas Zoo Run Run and Walter participated in the kids 1-mile Roo Run Run. This was his longest run so far and it took a little convincing to get him to believe he could do it. But he did do it, and he did great! A big confidence boost for this little runner. The event has come a long way in the past few years. What was once disorganized chaos is now a well-run event. And, it's at the zoo! Running, plus face-painting, turtle riding, trying on antlers, and photos with Henry the Lion. A pretty good day.
A beautiful evening, and a long, kid-free hike, thanks to Gramma who kept the kids busy at the campsite. Waterfalls, rivers, mountains, and a glacier. Skaftafell seemed to be the place the Icelanders vacationed. I can see why.