First off, this video is not very exciting. It's not pretty and the sound is blah. But it's a minute of something I want to remember. The way the chickens follow Walter (and their treat) to the coop. That one last pet for Love before he closes the door. And that exasperated sigh when he sees Black Licorice is still broody and sitting on her nest. I love this evening ritual.
What's it been? A month? Just about. My only excuse is that we're having too much fun this summer to bother photographing it and writing it all down. But some days that big camera just calls to me. Some days I hear about a giant field of sunflowers, right here in town, that is begging to be photographed. By me and thousands of others. But the world can always use a few more sunflower photos. So here you have them. From the front and from behind. From far away and up close. With kids and with parents. Sunflowers upon sunflowers.