Our three-day weekend was packed so full, it just flew right by. We did lots of work, but left plenty of time for play. We got a few final things planted in the garden, including 6 red bell pepper plants for Walter. "I really like red peppers now," he says. We'll see if we can get them to grow this year. Last year's peppers were a bust.
I spotted a nearly ripe strawberry on Saturday, but unfortunately, something else spotted it as well. By the time I went back to pick it on Sunday, it was already half eaten. It looks like we'll have a big crop this year. I hope whatever hungry thing that's out there is willing to share with us.
Nate ran on Sunday, but the full marathon was cancelled because of the heat. He ran the half in 1:44, finishing up just before it got really hot. Walter and I cheered him on at the finish line. Now he's on to training for the Chicago marathon on October.
We picnicked in the shade on Sunday afternoon. Molly even got to enjoy some picnic food when she sneaked a whole PB&J right off Walter's plate. That silly dog will eat her food one piece of kibble at a time, but can swallow a sandwich in one gulp.
We spent lots of time with family and ate lots of good food. We cleaned, we sewed, we worked in yard. I wish this weekend could last just a little bit longer. Three days wasn't quite enough!
It's here! It's here! My chicken catalog is here! (Um, yes, I know how crazy that sounds.)
You see, I went to a chicken class a few weeks ago. (I know, that sounds crazy too.) I just wanted to get an idea of what raising a few chickens would entail. How do you start? What are the day to day chores? What's the return on investment? I was so happy with what I learned that I ran right home and ordered a chicken catalog. A few chickens – 4, maybe 6 hens – would be a nice addition to our little homestead. I've even got Nate convinced that it's the right thing to do. But we're not ready for chickens just yet. We need to do some planning, build a coop, and spend some time pouring through this chicken catalog, finding just the right breeds. I hope to have this place chicken-ready by next spring!