
Instagram Christmas

It was a great holiday weekend. Lots of time with family and not too much running around – nice and relaxing. It was so laid back, in fact, that I didn't even feel like getting out the big camera. I grabbed a few shots here and there with my phone and doctored them up with Instagram. (If you have an iPhone, get this app. It's super fun to play around with and turns ordinary photos into something a little cuter, in an instant!)
Instagram Christmas
Merry Christmas!


Hawaii – part three

The last few days of our vacation was spent on Maui. Another beautiful island, though completely different from the black lava beauty of the Big Island. The weather was sunny and warm, so we spent a lot of time on the beach and in the pools. Walter loved playing in the sand. I think I'm still finding sand at the bottom of his bathtub! 
Hawaii - Maui
Hawaii - Maui
This island is also home of the Sugar Cane Train, located just a block from our hotel. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how happy this made Walter. We took a few trips into town on that train, listening to our tour guide sing us Hawaiian Christmas songs. 
Hawaii - Maui
Hawaii - Maui
We went to a luau, where Walter excitedly told me, "I DO want to learn to hula!" Really? Up there on stage? In front of all these people? "Yes!" So, up he went, and I went with him. Boy oh boy, the things I do for this kid! I still haven't seen the photos from Grampa's camera, but I'm sure they'll turn up eventually. 
Hawaii - Maui
We drove the road to Hana – a long, twisty, turny, mountain road, with beautiful views and waterfalls. Walter wasn't impressed, but he was a trooper and, for the most part, happily watched movies the whole ride. 
Hawaii - Maui
The most exciting part of Maui, for me, was the bike ride down Haleakala. A bus picked us up at 2am to take us to the top of the volcano. We lucked out with a clear night saw a few shooting stars from a meteor shower, and then the sunrise over the cloud-filled crater. After sunrise we got a little tour around the Haleakala National Park and then we hopped on our bikes and coasted down 28 miles of mountainside, with beautiful views of the rest of the island. Totally worth getting up so early in the morning!
Hawaii - Maui
Hawaii - Maui
We went to the Maui Ocean Center, shopped in the little tourist towns, ate lots of delicious, fresh fish and even got to see some whales. Whale season started on the last day of our trip, and they arrived right on time. At the end of our stay, we tossed our leis into the ocean. They say if they return to shore, we will return to the islands. I hope they do!
Hawaii - Maui
(See a few more photos on Flickr.)


Hawaii – part two

Oahu – The Honolulu Marathon
Nate and I left Walter with Gramma and Grampa on the Big Island, and flew to Honolulu for the marathon. We had dinner with some friends and went to bed early. The race started at 5am, in order to beat the heat of the day. 
Honolulu Marathon
We both got up early and set off for the starting line. Let me tell you, if I had brought my running shoes, I'm pretty sure I would have jumped right in to that race. There's some great energy at the starting line of a marathon. The national anthem, fireworks, and a nervous crowd of 20,000 people – I was tempted to run in my flip flops! But instead, I wished Nate luck, kissed him goodbye, and sent him off running. 
Honolulu Marathon
Honolulu Marathon
He looped around and I gave him another cheer at mile four before heading back to the hotel. I treated myself to coffee and a stroll along the beach before going to meet him at the finish line. I ended up standing next to a woman, also waiting for her husband to finish, and also missing the race because of a stress fracture. We had a nice chat. :)
Honolulu Marathon
I'm happy to report that Nate finished the race with a time of 4:52:48! That crazy, huge crowd of runners slowed him down a bit, but he came in injury-free and ready to enjoy the rest of our vacation. He swears he'll never do it again. We shall see. Time has a way of changing your mind.
Next up, Maui...


Hawaii – part one

Sorry for the long break, but we've been on vacation! In Hawaii! The whole reason for our trip was the Honolulu Marathon, but we built in a few days before and after the race to enjoy the scenery. And we enjoyed the heck out of it! I personally enjoyed about 650 photos worth, so I'm breaking them up into three parts. (Don't worry, I won't show you all of them.)
Part one: The Big Island
This was the rainiest portion of our trip, but we had enough nice weather to see most of what we wanted to see. We visited the Hilo farmer's market and stocked up on pineapples, papayas, star fruits, and apple bananas – quite different than the selection here in Wisconsin! Perfect for a picnic on the way to see some waterfalls. 
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
We spent a day at Volcanoes National Park and saw the steam pouring out of Kilauea Volcano. Truly fascinating to see an active volcano. (Did you know the volcano adds 50-100 acres of land to the island each year? Wow!)
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
We went to a black sand beach, where green sea turtles were lounging on the rocks and sand. I'm pretty sure Walter's favorite part of this vacation were the beaches and the animals. Wild chickens were running around everywhere. We even saw a wild peacock!
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
We woke up early most mornings since we were adjusting to the time difference and got to see a couple of gorgeous sunrises over the ocean. 
Hawaii - The Big Island
Hawaii - The Big Island
The house we stayed in was perfect. It was right on the ocean and a short walk from some tide pools where Gramma and Walter went snorkeling. It had a pool, which was freezing cold because of the rain, but also a hot tub, which was nice to lounge in and enjoy this view! 
Hawaii - The Big Island
We also visited the Hilo Coffee Mill, the Mauna Loa macadamia nut factory, and Lava Tree Park. There was plenty to do, even with all the rain. A fantastic island!
(See a few more photos on Flickr.)
Next up, Honolulu and the marathon...