Say what?
I know it won't be long before Water is speaking clearly and we can understand everything he says. In the meantime, can anyone tell me what "Namoo" means?
"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!"
It's all we hear, all day long. This boy is a lover of all things basketball. He likes playing it and he likes watching it. And we're not complaining one bit. It's fun playing ball with this little man. He's a pretty good shot, too. Though he gets just as excited when he misses as when he makes a basket. Maybe because "Misssss!" is so much fun to say...
And, yes. That "W" stands for Walter.
Making progress
All that airport knitting got me this far on the mystery project:
I took it off the needles today to make sure it fit – it did! I still have a ways to go, but I'm feeling good about it so far!
Nate and I just returned from our first, Walter-free vacation. While we spent a few days in Las Vegas, Walter and Molly vacationed at Gramma and Grampa's house. We missed our boy, of course, but it was nice to take some time for ourselves. Gramma and Grampa said Walter was very good. And Walter had such a good time it was hard to convince him to come home!

There's not too much to report from Vegas. We had a great time and did all the usual Vegas things. The camera came out exactly twice. Once at Hoover Dam:
Keep off wall? Not a problem. Yikes! That's a long way down!
And once in the airport:
Knitting is my new favorite way to pass time while traveling. Yes, knitting needles are still allowed on airplanes, but I got a lot of stares. One woman kindly waited until I had my headphones in before calling a friend to report, "There's a girl knitting in here!" I had no idea it would be such a spectacle. I'll post photos of my progress after I get some sleep. That red-eye flight is a tough one...
p.s. Check out what's happening during Celebrate the Boy month at Made and Made by Rae. Walter makes an appearance in Dana's YOU Made It post. And there are tons of great ideas being shared. I'm hoping to get started on another project this weekend.
The 90 minute shirt
I finally got around to it – the 90 minute shirt, from the tutorial on Made. It was really easy. So easy, in fact, that I made two. The first one took me exactly 90 minutes!
And once I had the pattern made, the second shirt went together even faster! (Though the embellishment on the sleeve took a little extra time.)
Let's Go Red!
We took Walter to a Badger basketball game tonight. It's been a while since we've taken him to a sporting event so we weren't sure what to expect from him. He did great! He spent most of the first half in stunned silence. He sat on my lap, quietly eating his chicken tenders and fries, just taking it all in. He eventually warmed up a bit and started talking basketball with me. "Ball!" "Bucky!" "Yoot!" (Shoot!) And that giant W at center court did not go unnoticed. I asked Walter what it stood for. He pointed at his chest and said "Wawa." (Walter) I'm going to let him believe that for as long as he likes.
The boy who wouldn't nap
One full week and only one nap. 
He still gets an hour or two of quiet time in his crib, but he just won't fall asleep. The lack of sleep doesn't seem to bother him – he's as giggly as ever. Still, we're hoping it's just a phase. It's too soon to give up naps! Mama and Daddy depend on them!
More photos on Flickr!
A decision
I've finally decided on a knitting project and I spent a long time perusing the yarn at the Sow's Ear – all by myself! That's right, a shopping trip without husband and kid in tow. It was glorious. And I found this beautiful yarn:
I'm hoping to get started tonight, if Walter can manage to stay asleep. He's got a cold that's been keeping all of us up at night, and, of course, he's passed it on to me via uncovered sneezes and sloppy kisses. Sigh...
I'll post my progress as I knit, but I'm not going to share the pattern until I'm finished.
Celebrating the BOY!
I am beyond excited! Two crafty blogs, Made (by Dana) and Made by Rae, are co-hosting a full month of celebrating boys! Yippee! Crafts, tutorials, giveaways, etc... There are so many great things out there to make for girls (thank goodness for nieces), but it's hard to find good projects for boys. I can't wait to see what Dana and Rae come up with. I'm already making plans for the 90 Minute Shirt.
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