Funny girl
Busy, busy!
10 things
A few of the blogs I read have recently asked the question, “What 10 things are you loving right now?”
Here’s my list:
1. A snow day! Working from home in my pj’s with Nate and Walter to keep me company.
2. Getting Christmas cards in the mail.
3. Walter’s hair – he’s getting more of it and it does this cute fluff thing in the morning.

4. The perfect ratio of peanuts to m&ms to raisins in my snack mix. Yum.
5. Books by Sandra Boynton. She is hilarious.
6. Stockings hung by the chimney with care. Walter needed a stocking so I made new ones for all of us.

7. A sleeping dog – tired from burying herself in the snow.

8. Walter’s victory stretch after a long nap. It’s like he’s saying That. Was. AWESOME!
9. Nate being in charge of snow removal at our house. Thanks Nate!
10. Comments from you! What are you loving right now?
A "Great" visit

Tall, skinny...
Making noise from Stephanie Billmeyer on Vimeo.
6 months!
I am loving this chair